A photograph is an image made by the light uppon a sensitive surface.
Pau Maynés, born in Barcelona in 1967. Photography studies at the IEFC (Barcelona), BA in Art History (UAB, 1995), Museology Diploma (Louvre School, Paris, 1996), Restorer Diploma of photographs (INP, Paris, 2000). Research internships at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), and at the George Eastman House (Rochester, NY). From 2002 to 2017, he combines professional practice in the private sector in Barcelona (COREBARNA S.L.) with teaching in specialized centers, historical research and the publication of informative articles on photography and property conservation cultural. PHD in visual communication at the University of València (Spain, 2017). Since 2017 conservator at the Musée de l’Élysée in Lausanne (Switzerland) and experimental photographer.